Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Multimedia Links

From the Blogs

Counting Coffins: The best piece I've seen on the crosses with great activist interviews. Posted by Seditia on Youtube.

SeatoSea.net has posted a wonderful photo gallery of the memorial.

Tubular TV has posted a video on Blip.tv that gives a greatbackround on the memorial in a classic documentary style.

Mainstream Media

Goldstarmothers: ABC Channel 7's coverage of the January 7th workday attended by Goldstarmothers.

Vigil: KTVU reports on the December 31sth vigil attended by more than 80 people to commemorate the number of fallen US soldiers passing 3,000.

A Chistmas Mystery: KTVU Channel 2's coverage of Christmas Eve when an anonymous person tied red ribbons to many of the crosses.

Town Hall Meeting: NBC 11's coverage of the November 27th Town Hall meeting where that drew "supporters, opponents of Lafayette Cross display."



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