Monday, March 17, 2008

Instant Vigil When 4,000 Have Died

3988 American men and women in service have lost their lives in Iraq. When that number reaches 4,000 the crosses memorial organizers plan to hold an instant vigil to for the fallen and to bring the rest of the troops home.

Jeff and Baika wrote in an email:

Hi All,

Just wanted to remind those of you who signed up for instant vigil detail (if you are able to avail yourselves) that we do plan an instant vigil when we reach 4000. Normally we go by but we'll go with the flow of the media, should that come in sooner. The count is 3988 as of Saturday. We are paying close attention to this and we also realize that this number is not accurate and that we surpassed the 4000 mark long ago. This number is what the Gold Star Moms go by. We are formulating a plan for the evening at the moment to begin at 6PM.

We do not have anything planned for the anniversary date. We did not want to compete with the march in WC event, but are currently talking about having a quiet vigil at the Crosses on Wednesday evening. Stay tuned.

If you are interested in attending the instant vigil please message me at christopheaton[at]gmail[dot]com and I will forward your request to the main memorial organizers


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